• Start Up Service

    Axee has a lot to offer your startup. We’ve been there and have learned through our own mistakes. Axee specializes in iOS development using native Swift and Google Cloud for backend services. We have a great track record with deep, real-world experience. We understand the most common pitfalls succumb to by entrepreneurs. We can help individuals or teams with UX/UI designs, overall project architecture and write code for both iOS and backend services.

    Axee's goal is to help you take advantage of modern development approaches in the cloud and on the device. Our development stack will take you from 1 to millions of users.
    The stack: Swift on iPhone, Java on Android, Google Cloud Functions (GCF) for serverless REST, Firebase for user authentication, real-time data updates (gps) and image storage and Cloud SQL for database.

    We use native development to maximize time and energy to produce easy to re-use and maintain development processes.

    One of the biggest pain points for startups is setting up and building a solid back-end cloud infrastructure. The development costs to hire engineers or consultants to specifically build out the backend services is extremely high and then the ongoing development around maintenance, patching, security, the list goes on as you burn through cash like a bonfire.

  • How It Works

    We are on the same team.



    Call or meet with us to discuss your project


    Research & Strategy

    Together, we create a plan with scope and responsibilities to make your project a reality



    As a team, we execute, monitor and tweak the plan to meet your goals

  • Questions


    Right now and tomorrow! We are an iphone app development company and we'll be there for you through all stages of development and help you assess the best way to use your resources to bring your idea to life. Whatever stage of development you’re in and whatever level of technical support you need, we deliver it!

    The cost?

    $1500 a week, flat rate. ***

    How does it work?

    Axee will bill for work agreed to in advance and performed at your direction, at the full rate(s) listed below, depending upon the resources required.

    • Front end development (iPhone app)- $200 per hour
    • Backend development- $200 per hour
    • Architecture with backend or frontend- $300 per hour

    • Project Management- $200 per hour

    • Business Consulting $450 per hour


    Axee style is completely hands-on. We produce top-tier development and steady-handed management that is always coupled to exceptional customer service. We care and we’re responsive.

    But what will it actually cost you?

    Make no mistake, we invoice for the full amount of our work!

    However, no matter the invoice amount, you pay only $1500 per week!

    Post funding balance payment

    When you acquire funding or pass an agreed to revenue/usage threshold, you begin payments to Axee for the balance of the invoices, minus the $1500 per week you've already paid.

    The benefits?

    • Take your idea from concept to working app swiftly and efficiently
    • Enter the funding arena at a minimal cost

    • Fill technical openings necessary to assure project success

    • After funding, meet product development initiatives and milestones

    • When you succeed, we succeed with you

    *** If you do not get funded or the project does not come to fruition, outstanding invoice amounts will be forgiven, with zero liability.